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Side Effect: Burning or Painful Urination (Dysuria)

What is Burning or Painful Urination (Dysuria)?

Burning or painful urination, is known as dysuria, and is a common medical symptom that can be caused by a variety of medical conditions.

What does Burning or Painful Urination (Dysuria) look like?

Some common symptoms of dysuria include:

Who gets Burning or Painful Urination (Dysuria)?

How to prevent Burning or Painful Urination (Dysuria)

To prevent dysuria in patients with cancer, healthcare providers may recommend various strategies.

How to treat Burning or Painful Urination (Dysuria)


1. Michels TC and Sands JE. Dysuria: Evaluation and Differential Diagnosis in Adults. Am Fam Physician 2015;92(9):778-786.

2. Helissey C, Cavallero S, Clément Brossard C, et al. Chronic Inflammation and Radiation-Induced Cystitis: Molecular Background and Therapeutic Perspectives. Cells 2020;10(1):21.

Created: May 19, 2024 Updated: May 19, 2024