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Side Effect: Swollen or Puffy Eyes (Periorbital edema)

What are Swollen or Puffy Eyes (also known as Periorbital Edema?)

Periorbital edema, also known as swollen or puffy eyes, occurs when fluid accumulates in the tissues around the eyes.

What do Swollen or Puffy Eyes (also known as Periorbital Edema) look like?

Who gets Swollen or Puffy Eyes (Periorbital edema)?

Patients with cancer are at an increased risk of developing periorbital edema due to the side effects of certain cancer treatments. These treatments can cause fluid retention and inflammation, leading to puffy eyes.

Some of the medications that have been associated with periorbital edema include:

How do you treat Swollen or Puffy Eyes (Periorbital Edema)?


1. McClelland CM, Harocopos GJ, Custer PL. Periorbital edema secondary to imatinib mesylate. Clin Ophthalmol 2010;4:427-431.

2. Larson JS, Bergstrom LK, Cameron JD, et al. Severe periorbital edema secondary to imatinib mesylate for chronic myelogenous leukemia. Arch Ophthalmol 2007;125(7):985-986.

Created: April 9, 2024 Updated: April 9, 2024